Cold Hardy Succulents That Thrive in Cooler Climates

Adding succulents to your garden can be a wonderful choice, especially if you are dealing with cooler weather conditions. These beautiful plants can bring a touch of nature to your space even in colder temperatures. Discover a selection of cold-hardy succulents recommended by gardening expert Paige Foley for their ability to flourish in cooler hardiness zones.

Succulents are versatile plants that can thrive both indoors and outdoors, making them ideal for various environments. Their natural resilience to harsh conditions, often found in desert or tropical areas, makes them an excellent option even for those new to gardening.

While many succulents are typically associated with warmer climates, some are surprisingly equipped to withstand and even thrive in colder regions, including those in the United States. These cold-hardy succulents are adaptable to freezing temperatures and can bounce back when warmer weather returns.

Within the vast world of succulent species, only a handful can withstand the challenges of colder environments. Fortunately, these hardy succulents are equipped to endure freezing conditions and emerge revitalized when the spring arrives.

If you’re unsure about which succulents are best suited for colder climates where temperatures can plummet below freezing, fret no more! In this guide, we’ll introduce you to some top cold-hardy succulents that can thrive in various settings, from rock beds and landscapes to containers and indoor spaces.

Sempervivum ‘Pluto’

Pluto Succulent
‘Pluto’ is known for its resilience in extreme temperatures, thriving in both heat and cold.
Sun Requirements Sun Requirements
Full to partial sun
Height Height
1-3 inches
Hardiness Zones Hardiness Zones

Featuring large rosettes with deep green tones and dark purple tips, ‘Pluto’ is a stunning succulent that forms clusters of small and large rosettes. Whether in rock gardens, wall crevices, or terracotta pots, this plant will add beauty throughout the year.

Aside from its ability to withstand cold temperatures, ‘Pluto’ can also endure extreme heat. Although it thrives in summer, the plant’s dormancy during winter aids its survival, while the snow acts as insulation against severe weather conditions.

Sedum ‘Atlantis’

Atlantis Sedum
This low-growing succulent showcases variegated leaves and produces star-shaped yellow flowers.
Optimal Sun Exposure

Full Sun
Plant Height

4-6 inches
Suitable Hardiness Zones


With small dark green leaves and wide creamy yellow margins, this variegated succulent blooms bright yellow flowers in summer. The plant’s margins may blush in colder temperatures during late fall.

Great for rock gardens or landscapes, this low-growing succulent forms neat clumps. Thriving in full sun and well-draining soils, this variety excels with minimal care, benefitting from neglect.

Delosperma ‘Banana Blast’

Close-up of Banana Blast plant that features fleshy, banana-shaped leaves with a glossy texture. Its green stems, twigs, and branches are thin and wiry, and produce small, daisy-like flowers in shades of bright yellow with white centers.Close-up of Banana Blast plant that features fleshy, banana-shaped leaves with a glossy texture. Its green stems, twigs, and branches are thin and wiry, and produce small, daisy-like flowers in shades of bright yellow with white centers.
The evergreen succulent ‘banana blast’ is ideal for decorative gardens, rock gardens, or locations near water features.
Sunlight Needs

Full Sun
Plant Height

6-8 inches
Suitable Hardiness Zones


Delosperma ‘Banana Blast’ features yellow daisy-like blooms from early summer to early fall, covering the plant with profuse flowers. This heat and drought-tolerant succulent thrives in various locations, making it a perfect choice for gardens with extreme summer conditions.

Referred to as Orostachys furusei, this succulent species attracts various pollinators such as bees and butterflies, allowing them to serve as a valuable addition to any pollinator garden. Moreover, they possess the advantage of being deer-resistant!

Orostachys furusei

Two succulent plants displaying rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves tinted in a blue-green shade and coated with a powdery texture. These grow on a rocky brown surface.Two succulent plants displaying rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves tinted in a blue-green shade and coated with a powdery texture. These grow on a rocky brown surface.
During active growth stages, propagate ‘Furusei’ to foster a dense ground cover.
sunlight requirements

Full Sun

1-3 inches
hardiness zones


Featuring small rosettes with thick grey to brown leaves, Orostachys furusei is a succulent that grows at a deliberate pace but ultimately forms an aesthetically pleasing mat of rosettes. During the autumn season, expect the succulent to produce striking towers of yellow flowers.

Throughout the spring and summer, this plant is in an active growth phase, gradually developing into a dense ground cover. Optimal propagation occurs during the growing period, presenting an economical method to cultivate more of this cherished plant.

Sempervivum ‘Corsair’

Sempervivum 'Corsair' exhibits fleshy, pointed red leaves organized in a compact rosette. These plants feature elongated, slender stems ascending above the rosette, culminating in petite, star-shaped pink flowers. They thrive on a rough-cut tree with a grayish hue.Sempervivum 'Corsair' exhibits fleshy, pointed red leaves organized in a compact rosette. These plants feature elongated, slender stems ascending above the rosette, culminating in petite, star-shaped pink flowers. They thrive on a rough-cut tree with a grayish hue.
Enduring dry conditions, this succulent remains vibrant even during scorching summer weather.
sunlight requirements

Full to partial sun

1-3 inches
hardiness zones

One succulent variety, ‘Corsair,’ is remarkable for its rosettes with prickly leaves. These medium-sized rosettes grow densely in clusters and transition from green to a beautiful deep reddish-pink color as they mature.

‘Corsair’ exhibits great resilience to dry conditions, maintaining its vibrant colors even during summer heat, making it a standout against the backdrop of drying lawns. Typically, the natural rainfall in the area should provide sufficient moisture for ‘Corsair’. Ensure to watch for signs of drought stress, like wilting and leaf browning.

Orostachys japonica

Japonica forms small rosettes, each composed of numerous fleshy, pointed leaves that are light green in color and have a slightly hairy texture. It grows in rocky soil in a warm environment.
Japonica forms small rosettes, each composed of numerous fleshy, pointed leaves that are light green in color and have a slightly hairy texture. It grows in rocky soil in a warm environment.
Being monocarpic, Rock Pine just bears one little white blossom before dying.
sun requirements
Full Sun
1-3 inches
hardiness zones

Also known as Rock Pine, this succulent presents dense rosettes in shades ranging from grey to green and white to red. In winter, its color transforms to a deep red before it produces a small white flower, marking the end of its life cycle.

While Rock Pine is monocarpic, its offsets swiftly replace the parent plant, seamlessly continuing its legacy. Embrace the natural process of the plant’s life cycle, appreciating the beauty it brings.

Sedum album

Album plants have tiny, rounded, olive-green leaves that form rosettes. Its green stems are thin and wiry. The plant is being grown in a round brown pot.
Album plants have tiny, rounded, olive-green leaves that form rosettes. Its green stems are thin and wiry. The plant is being grown in a round brown pot.
This is a drought-tolerant, fast-growing succulent ideal for ground cover or border planting in full sun.
Sun Requirements

Full Sun

3-5 inches
Hardiness Zones


Sedum album is a wonderful succulent that grows low and spreads rapidly, making it ideal for ground cover or borders. It thrives in full sun and is resistant to drought. The plant’s foliage ranges from green to purple to red, with thick, fleshy leaves that help it withstand long periods without water. When stressed, the red hues intensify, and in mid-summer, the plant blossoms with small, white star-like flowers.

Ruschia pulvinaris

Shrubby Ice Plants have vibrant pink-purple flowers. Its stalks are covered in tiny, fleshy green leaves that are cylindrical in shape.Shrubby Ice Plants have vibrant pink-purple flowers. Its stalks are covered in tiny, fleshy green leaves that are cylindrical in shape.
With well-draining soil and full sun, Ruschia Pulvinaris may grow successfully.

The Shrubby Ice Plant, also known as Ruschia pulvinaris, is a frost-resistant succulent groundcover. Its branchy stems bear long, firm leaves with a blue-green smooth texture. If observed closely, the leaves exhibit a pattern of tiny dots. It blooms profusely with magenta flowers during the growing season, best thriving in full sun and well-draining soils tailored for succulents to enhance drainage and avert root rot.

Delosperma cooperi

This plant has stems and branches that cascade down, adorned with vibrant magenta-purple flowers and yellow centers. The foliage consists of green, spike-like leaves, and there are delicate yellow blooms on one side.
This plant's stems and branches trail down the ground, bearing colorful magenta-purple blooms with yellow centers. Its green leaves are fleshy and resemble spikes. There are little yellow flowers on the left side.
Cooper’s Hardy Ice Plant is a popular choice for low-maintenance gardens, rock beds, and landscapes.
sun requirements
Full Sun
1-3 inches
hardiness zones

Cooper’s Hardy Ice Plant, known scientifically as delosperma cooperi, is a sought-after succulent ground cover boasting striking magenta blooms throughout most of the summer, making it an ideal choice for low-maintenance gardens, rocky terrains, and landscapes.

This plant, unlike many succulents, has an extended blooming season, ensuring a colorful display for the majority of the summer. It thrives in well-drained soil mixed with sand or gravel. To promote abundant blooming, it’s advisable to water more frequently during dry spells and hot weather conditions.

Orostachys spinosa

A close-up of the Orostachys 'Spinosa' plant featuring spiky, green rosettes arranged in a spiral pattern, with short, thick stems and stalks, growing in dark loamy soil.
This plant propagates rapidly through offsets, creating dense mats.
sun requirements
Full Sun
1-3 inches
Hardiness Zones


Offering a unique appearance, this succulent known as Spiny Pennywort resembles a succulent form of sunflowers. Its low-growing rosettes start inwards and elongate to a narrow outer edge. The blue-green leaves feature white tips at their ends. 

These rosettes can grow quite large, reaching up to 3 inches in diameter. They are fantastic at self-propagating through offsets, forming a dense mat of rosettes due to their rapid offset production. When mature, the succulent sends up a stalk with green-yellow flowers. 

Sempervivum cebenese

Potted Sempervivum 'Cebenese' with small, fleshy, pointed green leaves. The rosettes form a compact cluster covered with a thick white 'cobweb'.Potted Sempervivum 'Cebenese' with small, fleshy, pointed green leaves. The rosettes form a compact cluster covered with a thick white 'cobweb'.
‘Cebenese’ thrives in sunlight and needs minimal watering, requiring well-draining soil.
Sun Requirements

Full to Partial Shade

1-3 inches
Hardiness Zones


As part of the large Sempervivum genera, this variety produces numerous offsets from long stolons. Recognizable by its heavy white cobweb covering, the leaves of this succulent display a hint of pink on their edges. 

With the webbing between the leaves, these succulents resemble small white stones from a distance. For optimal growth, provide ample sunlight and sparse watering. Remember to plant it in well-draining soil to prevent root rot.

Sedum tricolor

Close-up of Sedum 'Tricolor' with small, fleshy, triangular green leaves with pink margins. It produces star-shaped pink flowers on elongated stems in clusters.Close-up of Sedum 'Tricolor' with small, fleshy, triangular green leaves with pink margins. It produces star-shaped pink flowers on elongated stems in clusters.
This succulent with paddle-like foliage showcases green leaves with red-pink edges under intense sunlight.

sun requirements

Full Sun

3-5 inches
hardiness zones


If grown in full sun, ‘Tricolor Stonecrop,’ also known as Sedum, showcases a unique feature with a display of three vibrant colors, departing from conventional sedum varieties.

This versatile succulent bears small paddle-like foliage with green centers and white edges, evolving into a striking red-pink hue under intense sunlight. ‘Tricolor Stonecrop’ thrives as a cold-hardy ground cover, spreading effortlessly even in neglect.

Delosperma ‘Fire Spinner’

Many Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' plants are shown. Their leaves are tiny, fleshy, and green. The flowers are large, showy, and daisy-like, with pink petals that blend into orange in the center.Many Delosperma 'Fire Spinner' plants are shown. Their leaves are tiny, fleshy, and green. The flowers are large, showy, and daisy-like, with pink petals that blend into orange in the center.
If grown in full sun and well-draining soil, this can blossom well.
sun requirements

Full Sun

6-8 inches
hardiness zones


Behold the spectacular ‘Fire Spinner’ with its captivating purple-pink center and fiery red to orange paddles, blooming throughout the summer. Growing best under full sun and in well-draining soil, these succulents are easy to care for but require suitable positioning to thrive.

Provide ‘Fire Spinner’ with optimal sun exposure and avoid excessively wet soils to prevent stunting or root rot, ensuring healthy and vibrant growth for these stunning succulents.

Sempervivum ‘Gold Nugget’

Close-up of Sempervivum 'Gold Nugget' plant with rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves that are golden-yellow in color.
The ‘Gold Nugget’ succulent undergoes color transformations seasonally.
Sun Requirements

Best in full to partial sun

Reaches a height of 1-3 inches
Hardiness Zones

Suitable for zones 3-11

The ‘Gold Nugget’ succulent boasts striking neon yellow leaves edged with red in spring and fall. In summer, its hue shifts to a vibrant lime green, while winter brings crimson tones with golden accents. This ever-changing succulent adds a playful touch to any garden.

Forming rosettes up to 6-8 inches wide, ‘Gold Nugget’ sends up a tall stack in summer, culminating in starry pink blossoms. Once the flowering ends, the central rosette will perish, but offsets swiftly take its place, seamlessly renewing the plant’s aesthetic.

Sedum ‘Blue Elf’

Close-up of Sedum 'Blue Elf' plant with stalks that support small, star-shaped pink flowers.
Thriving in rocky soils, ‘Blue Elf’ sedum is resistant to pests, diseases, rabbits, and deer.
Sun Requirements

Requires Full Sun

Grows 1-3 inches tall
Hardiness Zones

Thrives in zones 3-11

This plant is valued for its striking blue to green foliage, making it a perfect addition to any garden. Its compact size makes it ideal for filling gaps in succulent arrangements, rock walls, or garden borders. ‘Blue Elf’ thrives in well-draining soils with a rocky texture containing sand or gravel.

During late summer to early fall, ‘Blue Elf’ blooms fragrant dark pink flowers, a result of its origin from a blend of sedum and orostachys. This plant shows remarkable resilience against pests and diseases and is unappealing to rabbits and deer.

Orostachys 'Fimbriata'
Drought-tolerant succulents like Orostachys ‘Fimbriata’ thrive in dry soils and require minimal watering.

Also referred to as Dunce’s Cap, this succulent showcases distinctive brownish-orange rosettes with fleshy leaves giving the appearance of erupting volcanoes. The foliage has a greyish tint and produces a flower spike during summer.

These drought-resistant succulents disdain overly wet soils, necessitating proper drying between waterings. To propagate Orostachys fimbriata, easily detach the offsets and plant them in a separate pot, refraining from watering until new growth emerges.

Delosperma 'Garnet'
Delosperma ‘Garnet’ showcases dazzling red-pink flowers accented with scarlet, lavender petals and a central white core.
sun-requirements Sun Requirements
Full Sun
height Height
1-3 inches
hardiness-zones Hardiness Zones
Sun Requirements
Full Sun
HeightHeight Height
4-6 inches
Hardiness ZonesHardiness Zones Hardiness Zones

A stunning variety with vibrant red-pink blooms that can reach up to 2 inches wide under ideal conditions. These scarlet and lavender flowers feature a striking white center, adding elegance to any garden.

This plant, well-suited for drought conditions, requires watering only during hot, dry spells. Typically reliant on rainfall, it boasts a spread of 15 to 20 inches while maintaining a modest height of 4-6 inches on average.

Sedum ‘Cape Blanco’

Sedum 'Cape Blanco'
Sedum 'Cape Blanco'
This plant can be prone to sunburn, causing discoloration on its leaves.
Sun Requirements
Sun Requirements
Sun Requirements
Full Sun
4-6 inches
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones

Featuring powdery blue leaves, this succulent is perfect for groundcover and pairs well with other cold-resistant succulents. During summer, it produces clusters of petite yellow flowers, while its spooned-shaped leaves form silvery rosettes.

A low-maintenance plant, ‘Cape Blanco’ is an excellent option for novice succulent growers. It thrives in full sun to partial shade but must be protected from sunburn, which can cause leaf discoloration under intense light and heat. Fortunately, this issue is usually manageable.

Final Thoughts

Succulents are resilient plants that prefer hot, dry conditions, yet some varieties can endure harsh winters in the United States. While cold-hardy succulents may be limited, there is a diverse selection available in different colors, sizes, and shapes to suit various gardening preferences.


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