Can you Grow a Cactus from Seed? How To Grow Cacti From Seed

Growing cacti from seeds can be a rewarding and fascinating experience for both novice and experienced gardeners. These resilient plants, known for their unique shapes and striking appearances, can thrive in various environments when given the right care. Starting from seeds allows you to witness the full life cycle of a cactus, from tiny seedlings to mature, spiky beauties. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential steps, tips, and tricks to successfully cultivate cacti from seeds, ensuring your journey from seed to stunning succulent is a smooth and enjoyable one.

Can You Successfully Cultivate a Cactus from Its Seed?

For those seeking a stimulating gardening project or aiming to enhance their living space with an array of cacti economically, seed cultivation is a promising avenue. Gardening enthusiast Madison Moulton sheds light on the feasibility of growing cacti from seeds and provides insights for a successful endeavor.

Cacti might not be the initial choice for individuals contemplating seed planting. Most likely, they would not even feature on the list. Nevertheless, these plants native to deserts bear flowers that go through the typical seed development process like any other plant. The pressing question remains – Can cacti thrive when cultivated from seeds? Is the effort justifiable? Let’s delve deeper into this topic.

In Brief

Cultivating cacti from seeds is indeed viable. Embarking on the journey from seed proves especially beneficial if you aim to cut costs, nurture a rare species, propagate numerous plants, or maintain control over the growth conditions. However, this process demands patience. These slow-developing plants may need several weeks or even months to sprout, contingent on the species. Proper attention is imperative for their survival from seedling to fully matured cactus. It’s easiest to procure cacti seeds, either of specific species or blends, through online platforms.

In Depth Look

While less common, seed propagation offers unique benefits.

While it may not be the most prevalent method for home gardeners, cultivating cacti from seeds can be immensely rewarding. Opting for Division, cuttings, or utilizing offsets (if your plant possesses them) typically leads to faster and more predictable outcomes.

However, whether collecting from an existing plant or procuring fresh seeds from a supplier, there are numerous advantages to this approach.


The advantages associated with growing any plant from a seed hold true for cacti, offering additional rewards concerning accomplishment and gratification in your garden.

Cost Efficiency


Seed starting is cost-effective, yielding more plants at lower prices.

Purchasing a single small cactus may not strain your budget considerably (subject to the species). However, if you aspire to nurture numerous cacti, especially larger ones, obtaining mature plants can be extravagant.

One of the simplest ways to economize is by commencing from seed. This approach enables you to expand your collection by over double the number of plants at a fraction of the cost.

A single mixed seed packet could includeGrowing cacti from seeds can be a cost-effective way to expand your collection. A single potted cactus from a nursery can be quite pricey when compared to the potential of 200 tiny seeds. Despite the fact that not all seeds may sprout, the sheer quantity offers the opportunity to cultivate numerous plants for a fraction of the cost.


Diversifying your cactus collection is easier when you sow seeds. Nurseries typically focus on popular plant varieties due to higher demand, neglecting rare or expensive species, especially in the cactus category. Opting to start from seeds grants access to a wider selection of plants, which is particularly advantageous for those seeking specific or uncommon species.



When purchasing established plants, the conditions they were raised in remain unknown. This uncertainty includes the types of products used and potential pest issues. By cultivating cacti from seeds, you gain complete control over the plant environment right from the beginning. This eliminates unknown variables and allows the plants to acclimate seamlessly to your garden environment.


Nurturing cactus seedlings demands time and effort, but the satisfaction of watching them grow and thrive is unparalleled. The process of tending to these tiny sprouts, with their unique characteristics and eventual development into mature plants, is a fulfilling journey. The patience and care involved in raising cacti from seeds culminate in a rewarding and satisfying experience.Growing cacti from seeds is not a complicated task but demands a certain level of patience and precision. The process may seem challenging, but the sense of fulfillment upon success is unparalleled. Cultivating a garden of cacti from scratch brings a unique satisfaction that transcends the experience of buying fully-grown plants. Witnessing the growth journey of a plant you nurtured from its initial stage to full maturity is immensely rewarding and enriches the gardening experience in a profound way.

On the flip side, while most cacti species can be grown from seeds, there are some drawbacks to consider. One significant downside is the slow growth rate of cacti, which can test the patience of even the most dedicated gardeners. It can take years for certain species to reach the desired size when propagated from seeds. However, despite the lengthy timeframe involved, the initial germination phase is an exciting process that offers a glimpse of the plant’s future development. In essence, seed propagation of cacti is a long-term investment due to their inherently slow maturation rate as some of the longest-living plants globally.

Another aspect to bear in mind when growing cacti from seeds is the maintenance requirements. Maintaining a controlled environment with optimal temperature, moisture, humidity, and light conditions is crucial for the successful development of cacti seeds. Any deviation from these ideal conditions could impede growth or lead to the premature death of the young plants. Providing consistent care and attention throughout the seedling phase is essential, especially for novice gardeners embarking on this journey.


Furthermore, the germination process of cactus seeds can be somewhat unpredictable, with varying germination rates and timings. Whether obtaining seeds from a store or collecting them yourself, the germination outcome can differ, adding an element of uncertainty to the propagation process. This unpredictability underscores the need for vigilance and adaptability when cultivating cacti from seeds, enhancing the overall learning experience in the realm of plant propagation.When it comes to seeds, their germination can be quite unpredictable. Seed packets you purchase may have a higher germination rate compared to seeds collected from existing plants; however, even with purchased seeds, germination can still be inconsistent.

Not every seed you plant will germinate, and different species have varying germination rates. Some seeds may surprise you by sprouting months after planting, even if you had assumed they wouldn’t. Seed sowing, in general, is always a bit uncertain, but this uncertainty increases when growing cacti.

Where To Find Cactus Seeds

If you are looking to obtain cactus seeds, you can collect them from flowering cacti you already own. Alternatively, for more reliable results, it is advisable to purchase seeds from reputable seed companies. Cactus seeds are not commonly found, so sourcing them online is usually the easiest option. Specialist growers who ship seeds or mixed seed packets from companies like Botanical Interests, offering a variety of cactus species, can be good sources.

How To Grow Cacti From Seed

Upon receiving your seeds, you can start the germination process indoors or in a greenhouse. Create a warm and controlled environment for your seeds as they need protection for several months. Ensure the location provides consistent conditions that can be regulated as seasons change.

To begin the process, you’ll need a small pot or seed starting tray, a well-draining seed starting mix, vermiculite for seed coverage, and a plastic cover for humidity retention. In cooler climates, a heating mat may be necessary to maintain soil warmth for optimal germination conditions.

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Soak seeds in lukewarm water overnight before sowing, as it can enhance germination rates for certain species.
2. Fill a tray with well-draining seed mix, leaving space at the top for later covering.
3. Moisturize the mix before sowing to avoid dislodging seeds.
4. Spread the seeds evenly in the tray, ensuring they are not sown too densely.
5. Cover seeds with a thin layer of vermiculite, unless the species require exposure.
6. Place the tray in a container to trap humidity, and keep it in a warm and indirectly lit area.
7. Maintain soil moisture by lightly misting it as it dries out.
8. Once germination occurs, allow the medium to dry before rehydrating to prevent rot.

Final Thoughts

Growing your favorite cactus species from seed requires patience and careful attention. However, the sense of accomplishment achieved when you successfully grow them from seed makes the process rewarding.


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